Friday, June 29, 2012

Six Best Hiring Practices that Make $en$e

Georgia Trend Small Business Guide recently published my article, "Six Best Hiring Practices that Make Sense". I have abbreviated the article below, but to read its entirety go to: , Small Business Guide, 2012/2013.

1.       Develop a job description:  Make sure your new employee fits into your long-term business strategy by analyzing your goals when developing and prioritizing key position requirements. 

2.       Recruit Qualified Applicants: Start by asking associates, friends and family for applicant referrals or post the opening on your website, business Face Book page, LinkedIn profile or company Twitter account.

3.       Screen Candidates:  Objectively evaluate resumes using a screening form based on the job description, tasks and specifications; make note of any questions or clarifications needed when talking with the candidates. Sort and categorize applicants as: not qualified, meets minimum qualifications and meets preferred qualifications.

4.       Interview Process: Utilize a short phone interview to pre-screen candidates, using the screening form and by asking your job description related questions. 

 The second interview should be at your business, again consisting of job description related questions.  Ask open ended questions and observe the candidate’s body language while they respond.  Remember you cannot ask a candidate about their age, race, creed, sexual orientation or marital status. Discuss your business goals, mission and any important facts about job performance expectations.  At the end of the interview ask the candidate if they have any questions and request professional references.   

If possible, set up a third interview with a trusted advisor.  Finish by letting candidates know when a decision will be made. Never hire on the spot and always check references!  Take the time to carefully consider all the candidates interviewed before making a decision. Hiring the wrong person could be a costly mistake.

5.       Make an offer:  After acceptance of a verbal offer, follow up with a written offer letter and a date the decision needs to be made by. Include any employment contingencies, such as passing a background check or drug screen. 

6.       Employee On-boarding: Complete all federal and state documents as required. For a list of what is needed, go to: and search on “Hiring Your First Employee”. 

Happy Summer!

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